Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Since Tales from the Trenches Tuesday is on a bit of a hiatus (and special thanks to folks for their comments and words of encouragement about that), I figured I am in desperate need of another "regular" weekly posting. So I have linked up with Jamie at This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday.

This week,
I'm loving... Rice Krispies. So weird, right? I had bought a box last month for some cookies I made (sounds odd, but it is a FAB cookie recipe!) and of course the only size they had was the jumbo box. So now with leftover Rice Krispies I have been enjoying the occasional small bowl at night as a bedtime snack. No, I shouldn't be eating at bedtime, but there are worse snacks in the world, right? Rice Krispies remind me of my Gram, I always remember her eating them for breakfast when we stayed at her house in the summer, so something about that snap-crackle-pop sound is oddly comforting to me.

I'm loving...the ABC Family show "Greek" and wondering how in the world I was never watching this show?!? I have always heard people rave about it, and being a reformed sorority girl myself you would have thought I would have been all over this show when it started a few years ago. When I was up at my parents' house for Christmas, I noticed my mom had all the seasons on DVD and stole borrowed them. (Mom, if you are reading, I promise you I will return them!) Started watching them on Friday afternoon (after an unfortunate Netflix-Wii snafu) and have become absolutely hooked. Actually "borderline obsessed" is probably a more accurate description. This show is F-U-N-N-Y! And you don't have to have been in a fraternity or sorority to enjoy it, I promise. L has watched a bunch of the episodes with me and has laughed just as much as I have. I have gone home from work both nights this week and watched another 2-3 episodes each night and did not leave my apartment for much of this weekend, preferring to stay on the couch and watch this show. I am currently preaching the gospel of this show to other friends and trying to get them to watch - because I need validation that I am not a total nerd for being in my 30's and living for a show about college kids in fraternities and sororities.

I'm loving...people "creatively interpreting" (if you will) the work and words of Mr. Kanye West.
Muppet Style (warning - adult language)

And Groban style

I'm loving...the breakup of T.Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal. As a big Jakey G. fan I think she was WAY too young for him am happy to see him back on the market. I can't say I am dying to hear her pen another angst-ridden breakup ballad though.

I'm loving...being back to a routine. Yes, the hustle-and-bustle of the holidays is fun and exciting. But I am also drained from the end of 2010 - physically, mentally and emotionally. I am curretnly very pleased to get back to a more "normal" life routine, and with that, the ability to be more regular with getting some posts up here!

I'm loving...that I am not the only one in that boat, so I love seeing my other fave bloggers back in action and am enjoying catching up on all your posts. Keep 'em coming!


  1. Thanks for playing along!

    I love Rice Krispies too even though I haven't had them in forever!

  2. THANK YOU! I want to sing it from the rooftops how happy I am to see Jake and Tay break up. I cannot stomach one more of her whiny prince charming songs. He is way too good for her so amen to that!

  3. and I just have to tell you..I'm loving this post. Oh and as for Jake and Taylor...that never happened.

  4. I LOVE Greek! I figured I was really the only one who did, or who had even heard of it because anytime I've mentioned it to someone, I just get a blank stare. B even enjoys it, mostly because he's in the room when I'm watching it, but I notice that he pays attention as opposed to playing on his computer. I'm sad that this is the last season, though I have yet to see Monday's episode. (that's on tonight's agenda)

  5. I will have to check out Greek. I have yet to figure out how to hook my Wii up to Netflix. sigh!
