Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Spooky Haunted Walking Tour

You know those fun Haunted Walking Tours they do in certain cities? You’re led around by a tour guide at dusk to various spooky and haunted points of interest?
Well, this wasn’t one of them.

No, this was my own personal version of a haunted walking tour – filled with ghosts of boyfriends and dates from the past. I had to make a quick stop off in Georgetown on the way home from work a couple weeks ago to pick up something I needed for that evening’s Halloween costume. As the cab got further down M St., the pace started to slow with the usual early evening clog of traffic. Brushing it off, I told the driver he could pull over and let me out, I was close enough to where I needed to go. It was a nice Friday early evening – finally starting to feel like Fall. And I really wish I could have enjoyed it a bit but every couple paces, there was another ghost lurking around the corner. Turning onto the next street sent a whole mess of skeletons tumbling out of my closet.

I feel like that in lots of places in DC, but none more so than Georgetown. I had vivid memories of first dates, last dates, and everything in between. Saw faces and could almost hear the voices of people I probably have not thought about in years. It was a little overwhelming to be honest, and even made me a bit...melancholy. I wasn't necessarily sad, really melancholy is the best word to use there. I feel like that a lot in places all over DC, even more so in Georgetown. This sort of astute sense memory kind of makes me NOT want to go with someone I may be dating someplace I may actually like. I don't want it to then get turned into a haunt once the relationship ends.

Does anyone else out there have this same thing happen? Or have I gotten to the point where I really need to stop talking about is as a "what if" I moved..and make it more a matter of WHEN I move.


  1. I had this happen to me in New York. After a while I just felt like I was never going to find that one while I still lived there. Of course I didn't move for that reason, grad school sent me to Philadelphia, but as luck would have it, I met my now husband, a native Philadelphian, about one month before I made the move, so I guess the stars or something were telling me my future.

  2. I have that feeling sometimes when I am in Oxford.

  3. You are not alone. Believe me.

    Maybe it is something tell you it might be time for a new chapter?

  4. I get that overwhelming flood of memories whenever I go back to the town I grew up in- not just from past romances, but just old memories in general. I would totally describe it as melancholy as well!
